Sir No Sir!
Documentary on Vietnam War refuseniks
12 May
2006 |
An Army Vet on Prisoner Torture in Iraq Abu Ghraib
as My Lai?
Mark Kimmitt, Deputy Director of coalition operations in Iraq, is
interviewed by Dan Rather on 60 Minutes: Soldiers in the photos are now
facing court-martial. My question--how common is this?
1/3 May 2004 |
On the run again
During the Vietnam war, I hid
deserters and watched it
unravel as the GI movement grew. Iraq could go the same
way 19
March 2004 |
are Iraq's Pentagon Papers?
I urge patriotic
and conscientious Americans who have access to these documents: Go
to Congress and the press; tell the truth, with documents. 22 February 2004 |
On to Your Humanity - An Open Letter to GIs in Iraq
I changed over there in Vietnam and they were not nice changes
either. I started getting pulled into something -- something that
craved other people's pain.
14 November 2003 |
are losing this war
Within one month, it was apparent
that everything he told me was true, and that every reason that was
being given to the American public for the war was not true. 3
July 2003 |
Mixed Reception for Black Soldiers
I was fresh back from Vietnam and I was still treated no better
because I was a Black GI.
23 May 2003 |
the troops?
didn't join the Marines for love of country. We joined to get out of the
house, out of the city, off the farm, into a job, and because we were 18
and believed we were indestructible. 8 April
2003 |
Passion For Peace, Forged in War
they tell you you should go There is one thing you should know They
wave the flag when you attack When you come home they turn their
back. 2 March
2003 |
the brass! Mutiny, fragging
and desertions in the U.S. military
An history of resistance and
rebellion in the ranks of the U.S. military during the Vietnam
war. 2001 |
War Veterans street theatre
Before they turn your son into a butcher or a
4-7 September 1970 |
the draft
addition, one part of the physical was filling out the security form to
make sure you were not a security risk to the United States.
My mother assured me that the organization that my step father had
founded and that both she and he were members of would be on the security
list and we concluded that with a strong statement calling for world
revolution and the forcible overthrow of the US government, the chances of
my getting drafted would be small.
Black man fights the draft
told them that I was a conscientious objector, and they told me that
I wasn't. They refused to help me, the Friends Peace Committee, the
whole Quaker community, there was no white group that helped me. In
fact it was the civil rights movement that became a support
mechanism for me. 2003 |
Statements by
Ali, 1967
"I am not going
ten thousand miles from home to help murder and burn a poor nation."
''If I thought going
to war would bring freedom and equality to twenty-two million of my
people, they wouldn’t have to draft me.
I’d join tomorrow.'' Undated |
A little bit of help, for
1961 and 1971, US military forces dropped about 72 million liters
of herbicidal agents on the Republic of Vietnam, including more
than 45 million liters of dioxin-contaminated Agent Orange.
11 July 2003 |